JOSHUA - Lesson 12: Peace in the Land

Joshua 13, 23-24

        “You shall hold fast to the Lord your God, as you have done to this day.  For the Lord has driven out from before you great and strong nations; but as for you, no one has been able to stand against you to this day. One man of you shall chase a thousand, for the Lord your God is He who fights for you, as He promised you."  Joshua 23:8-10

Summary of Chapters 11 through 22:  Joshua 11 describes the battles won under Joshua’s leadership over the united tribes of Canaan.  Joshua 12 lists God’s victories and chapters 13 through 22 recounts the division of the land among the twelve tribes.  Strategically, the land now belongs to God’s people. The decisive battles had been fought and won. No longer did any nation dare to oppose "the armies of the living God."  (Joshua 10:21, 42 and 11:23)     

         From this point on, each tribe would be responsible before God to know His Word, occupy and maintain their assigned “lot,” and resist any enemy influence in their personal territory.

         God used Joshua to conquer the land for Israel -- a foreshadow of the far greater victory Jesus accomplished when He defeated Satan on the cross and led His family -- from around the world -- into an eternal, triumphant kingdom!

      My Lord, you also have won for me the kingdom; it is given to me to possess and enjoy.. Thank you for teaching and equipping me to reign with you. You have “put the enemy under your feet”, and I choose to take my place in the heavenly kingdom with you——the place of triumph over every obstacle to peace and rest in the land..


1. Read Joshua 13:1-14.  Who chose the territory (or lot) for each tribe?

2. Why should this fact encourage you? (See Philippians 4:11-13)

3. Which tribe did not receive an allotment of land?     Why not?               Instead of a division of the land, what were they given?

4. If you know Jesus as your Savior and Lord, what is your spiritual inheritance in Him? (See Ephesians 1:3-14)

5. If you could choose your possessions, what would you select: a great place in the land, the inheritance of the Levites, or whatever God might choose for you?      Why?

6. Read Joshua 23:1 and Hebrews 4.  What did the word "rest" mean to ancient Israel?


7. How does the Old Testament rest illustrate the New Testament rest believers have in Christ Jesus, our Lord? 



9. How do the two differ?

10. Read Joshua 23:2-16. Though God's people have entered and possessed the land, they still face enemies that might lure them away from their Lord and lead them toward compromise. What is God's part and what is their part in clearing the land?

11. God knows you so much better than you know yourself. He sees dangers ahead that you might neither notice nor consider. According to verses 6-16, what are some of those dangers? How can you guard against them?

12. What special promises do you see in verses 9 and 10?

13. According to v. 14, what can you count on each day?

14. Read Joshua 24:1-13. Numerous times throughout the Bible, God asks us to remember the ways He manifest His love and greatness in our lives. What victorious events does Joshua prompt us to remember here?

15. What is God saying to you in Psalm 103:1-14? What is your response to your Lord and King?

16. What happens in your heart when you choose to remember the manifestations of His amazing grace, wisdom and majesty in your life?

17. Read Joshua 24:14-33.  Once again, the people have a choice to make. What was that choice?

18. The choices God offers us each day are usually less noticeable. We may simply follow our feelings and do what comes naturally, rather than seek His guidance and follow His way. Where in your life do you especially need His reminders and guidance in order not to go your own way?

19. How did the Israelites respond to the choice set before them? 


20. It didn't take long before the nation began to forget God's Word, Joshua's reminders, and their own response. They became fascinated with the gods and spiritual practices of their pagan neighbors, and compromised their faith. Today, we are still tempted to conform to our culture and compromise our faith. But God has given us resources not available to the ancient Israelites. What are some of those resources? 


21. (Personal) With what words might you respond to His call?