Bible Studies

A Wardrobe from the King

An eight-week study on the Armor of God

Home ~ The Secret of Abundant Life



1. Clothed in Christ

2. Clothed with Truth

3. Clothed with Righteousness

4. Clothed with Peace

5. Clothed with Faith

6. Clothed with Salvation

7. Clothed with the Word

8. Clothed with Praise 



How would you like to have a new wardrobe that radiates grace and beauty while protecting you in all kinds of weather? God has such an outfit ready, fitted and waiting for you. But His garments differ greatly from ordinary clothes. First, they are priceless. No payment could ever match their worth. Yet to you they are free; for your Father offers them as a gift and would be both disappointed and insulted if you insisted on paying for them.

Second, you put on His clothes from the inside out. They not only cover parts of your body on the outside; they become a part of you. They not only add color and texture to your appearance; they put a radiance in your face, a sparkle in your eyes, and new confidence in your countenance.

Finally, God calls this wardrobe armor, because it will protect you through every storm of life. It alone can guard you from spiritual, emotional, and physical attacks from invisible enemies both within and outside yourself-enemies to the peace, joy, love, hope, and victory which are yours in Christ.

For it is God Himself who covers you. When you put on His armor, His life surrounds you, keeping you safe, close to Himself, and free to be His precious friend and trusted companion. So "put on Christ." (Galatians 3:27) He is your victory!

Precious Lord, please tell me more about this new set of clothes. Show me all of its beauty and strength. Teach me how to put it on. Build in me an awareness of my need and a willingness to wear Your covering every day, so that I can be kept safe in You. Thank You.

Go to Chapter 1: Clothed in Christ

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