By Missionary
Paul Washer
Am Not Ashamed of the TRUE Gospel
Ten Indictments - A
Historical 21st Century Message
The True Gospel: Man Apart from God
What is the Gospel
Repent and Believe
The Narrow Way
Acceptance Beloved
False Teachers Are God’s Judgment
We really appreciate Paul
Washer's Biblical teaching. May it richly encourage
By Pastor
Ray Stamps
links are broken at the moment.
We hope
that when our family gathers during Easter, our sons sons can
fix them.
Please be aware that these audio files are large mp3 files. Therefore, it
may take several minutes for your computer to download them before they
begin to play (it will take even longer if you do not have a broadband
connection). If you would like to save these sermons to your computer and/or
later upload them to your mp3 player, you can right-click on the audio link
and then click on "Save target as..."
Tribulation - 1 (20.8MB)
Why Tribulation - 2
How do we respond to Tribulation? - 1
How do we respond to Tribulation? - 2
How do we respond to Tribulation? - 3

| Sermons & Devotions |
Persecution |
His Word