Encouraging Poems
My Father's at
the Helm
The curling
waves, with awful roar, a little bark assailed, And pallid Fear's distracting power o'er all on board prevailed-- Save one, the captain's darling child, who fearless viewed the
storm, And, cheerful, with composure smiled at danger's threatening form.
"And can you smile," a seaman cried, "while terrors overwhelm?" "Why should I fear?" the boy replied; "my father's at the helm!" So, when our worldly hopes are crushed, our earthly comforts gone, We still have one sure anchor left -- God helps, and He alone.
He to our prayers will lend his ear, he gives our pangs relief; He turns to smiles each trembling fear, to joy each torturing grief. Then turn to him, mid terrors wild, when wants and woes o'erwhelm, Remembering, like the fearless child, our Father's at the helm!
~Author Unknown~

My Father
O Lord, art our Father....”
Isaiah 63:16
My Father is the King of Kings, the Lord of
heaven and earth. Nothing is impossible for Him!
It astounds my finite mind to realize that
this sovereign God of the universe is also my loving Father who watches and
cares for me moment by moment. He is interested in every detail of my life,
and not a word or action slips by Him unnoticed. Even my unspoken thoughts and
motives lie bare to my holy Father. Yet He continues to love and lead me,
cleanse and forgive me!
Nothing I do surprises my Father. He who made me knows me
inside and out, recognizes all my weaknesses, and sees all my
needs. He nurtures, guards and trains me as His precious child.
Most earthly fathers do their best to make their children mature
and happy, yet my heavenly Father does infinitely more. "See
how great a love the Father has bestowed upon us - that we should
be called children of God, and such we are!"
"The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we
are children of God, and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs
with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified
together." Romans 8:12-17

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